4 Nov 2015

(319) Shakespeare’s op.2 (Lucrece) cannot possibly be written by the Stratford Man

The  "Ghost of Lucrece" (1600) can and must be seen as a  clear indication of the Shakespeare authorship plot:  

2 Stanzas  out of "The Ghost of Lucrece"(1600) by T.M.

Shakespeare's bestseller "Lucrece", his Opus-2 (1594) , exhibited in his third edition ( Q3 1600) a poetic addendum 
"THE GHOST of Lucrece" 
    by T.M. Gent.
[A rare, almost unknown Piece! There exists only a single copy of this work]. 
with 47 additional Stanzas (same rhime scheme - ababbcc) with an own title, a dedication [to Lord Compton]  and a Prolog.          

It is neither conceivable nor plausible or logic that at the height of Shakespeare's career in his 35th year of life (1600) the powerfull, self-confident poet and dramatist would or could have allowed it that his poetic epos "Lucrece" was amended and commented in the same style by an unidentifiable "Ghostwriter" T.M., later putatively identified as Thomas Middleton (at the age of 19!!) . 

Who was this gentleman and author T.M.?

?. He prompts the reader to look under the base tipe*1) of Tarquins name in order to discover "figures of inquitie" (read examplary stanzas above). The true author of "Lucrece" obviously plays a part in this "ghost"poem. He differentiates between himself ( I, me,  my ) and his metaphoric figure "Tarquin" (he , himselfe). The real author reflects the shame, the tragedy, the stage,  the subject , the murdered one. 

Conclusion: the  "Ghost of Lucrece" (1600) can and must be seen as a  clear indication of the Shakespeare authorship plot:  

The author "Shakespeare" of "Lucrece" 1594 stands for a concealed author identifying himself metaphorically with the simile of Tarquin  [ having raped Lucrece - a metapher for Marlowe's offence or misdeed  against the Queen... .Marlowe had committed treason with the consequence of death penalty  -- "he had "tar"red the "qeen"].  Faking his death, changing his identity and name was organized on the part of the crown and permission was given to him to stay alive "incognito"[as the "Ghost" of his Lucrece] and to publish under pennames (such as Shake-speare , T.M., J. D. and others).

*1) SOED Tipe,Type  ,the summit.acme  or highest point (of honor,dignity etc.) 1603