15 Sept 2016

(453) J.Sylvester: ...must have been one of the pennames of the true Shakespeare alias Marlowe? (Indication 3)

Without the acceptance of a Shakespeare Authorship Conspiracy

 most key questions and inconsistencies (related to J.Sylvester) cannot be solved"

Title page of Christopher Marlowes Translation of the first book of Lucan (1598
In 1598 a rather unknown english poet Josuah Sylvester translated and published an Essay  "The Second Week or Childhood of the World." (s.Faksimile) of the French Poet Salustus Du Bartas who died in 1590.

Therein you find an essay "The Deceipt" (s.Faksimile) to which Sylvester added a dedicatory Sonnet (s.Faksimile) to Lord Montioy.
In this sonnet he views himself as "thy Lucan" who "doth in silence scan unto himselfe new-meditated laies to finish up his sad Pharsalian fraies".

Since  2 years later (1600)  LUCANS FIRST BOOKE translated line by line"  "by CHR.MARLOW" was published we can assume with some plausibility (also because of many additional arguments) that Sylvester must have been a pen-name of Christopher Marlowe.-

Marlowe's book "Pharsalia" was registred  Sept.28 1593, by John Wolf (book entitled Lucan's first book of the famous civil war between Pompey and Casar, englished by Christpher Marlow) but not allowed to be published at that time. It may be of interest that Marlowe translated Lucans Book in "blank verses"(!)

You may also compare  "phrases" of Marlowe's Translation and of Shakespeare , in the German  Marlowe Book 

--> s. Engl Summary              
--->Video Summary) .

Do not these facts support the notion that in 1593 Marlowe did not die but did survive writing under changing "Pseudonyms/Pennames" such as Shakespeare/J.Sylvester/T.Winter and others ?