23 Feb 2016

(396) The multiple pen names of the true Shakespeare: (H.W. Henry Willobie] Part 5

The Early "literary" disclosure of 

Marlowe's Destiny

Announcement in the Epistle of a dislosure of the author itselfe, his name and his owne "desire/sentiment"[love] starting at cantus 44

Beginning of Cantus 44 ( in prose)

Those who are not aware of the Marlowe / alias Shakespeare thesis will not be able to  decode the meaning of the Poem of 


The epsistle tells the reader  that from cantus forty foure [44] to the end he will be informed about the author, his name and own desires.-,[Faksimile 2]

Cantus XLIIII[44], written suspiciously in prose, reveals the covert fact [Faksimile 3] about the author that he came suddenly into contact (being sodenly infected with the contagion) with a fantastical fit: i.e. his name was fitted  "fantastically" with another one.[Shake-speare]..

At the first sight of "A" (of his beeing a "NON" existence, i.e. his muse beeing  no more visible  A'VISA) he fell into deep sorrow  (he pyned a while in secret griefe),  and on the long run he was not able any longer

a) to endure his situation (the burning heate of so servent a humour)
b) to divulge ("bewray") the secresy of his disease unto W.S.
This passage - you have to realize it!- clearly  represents an early (1594) contemporary allegoric depiction of Marlowe's fall into anonymity, into the abyss ("A"), into the loss of identity, and the transfer to another person W.S.

Shakespeare-Expert Charles Hughes was convinced in 1904 that W.S. (Harry) in »Willobie His Avisa« must have been William Shakespeare: »T
he cumulative evidence makes it almost certain that the W.S. of the poem stands for William Shakespeare

Also the subsequent cantus (45) leaves no doubt, that the destiny of the life-threatened author forced him, to give up his identity   »one, which beeing parted then in twaine«).