"Willobie his AVISA"
a sophisticated ambiguous wordplay.
The poem "WILLOBIE HIS AVISA"(1594) is a "complex literary puzzle of the highest order". The level of sophistication makes it certain that it is attacking a "real" situation.- The author follows the philosophy of Shakespeare outlined in "The Twelfth Night-" (Malvolio II/5"...put thy selfe in the tricke of singularity. She thus advises thee, that sighes for thee.) The poem, (which appeared 1594 within the year after the enforced removal of Marlowe) is a refined inner dispute between the author and his muse of sudden invisibility [AVISA], his inner godesses of inspiration of literature, science and arts about his destiny. The life threatened author must have taken every precaution not to be identified.- In the "Apologie" of the second edition (1596) the author discloses in more detail the true meaning: the poem is not about a real woman but about a specific (allegoric) situation of its author and his concealed invisible muse "AVISA", she was not allowed to bee seen publicly. She became an invisible, A=Non VISA. (read Faksimile) - Ist author Marlowe had disappeared because he had to disappear.- |
"Willobie his A'VISA" has to bee interpreted as an ambiguous wordplay.
The author had to change his name to Will(iam) and to obey his inner advice (french avis) to disappear by changing identity. His former literary muse/ identity is not (=A) seen anymore (A'Visa)...See Faksimile out of "The Apologie" (1596)