25 Mar 2020

(567) Why that fatal and total neglect of a Shakespeare Authorship problem?

Clare Asquith‘s fatal  total neglect 
of a Shakespeare Authorship Problem

Clare Asquith’s far reaching interpretations related to Shakespeare‘s „Venus & Adonis“ , (Op.1 - 1593)  and „Lucrece"  (op.2 - 1594) manifests that she has no interest or affinity whatsoever to a possible Shakespeare authorship problem:. Such a problem unfortunately and shockingly does not exists for her at all ! (s.also Blog 347)

Instead she argues that „Lucrece“ is „not about the rape of a single woman , but about the rape of England , as a "slow motion description" of the Rape of Lucrece: Shakespeare portraits in parallel the "slow Motion destruction" of the soul of the country !.

Venus and Adonis / Lucrece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi7nFkhbDjM&t=1s
Shakespeare Authorship Issue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7VeQ7OER14&t=1s


 Clare Asquith