8 Mar 2020

(565) The unimaginable, gigantic productivity of the "real or true" Shakespeare

                                                                     (Recap on Blog 346)

The unimaginable, gigantic productivity of the "real or true" Shakespeare

Marlowe's [the "true or real" Shakespeare's] literary capacity  surpassed contemporary Writers beyond Imagination !!


End of the Epistle "Newes from Graves-end"(1603) by
NOBODY or Nicholas NEMO ,  the anonymous Poet!

The first (left)  and last lines (right)  of the dedicatory Epistle of  "The Newes from Graves-end (1604)" of Nicholas Nemo alias Nobody 


According to the  expanded   ->"Marlowe Theory" the real or  true" Shakespeare wrote under a bulk of initials, pennames, pseudonyms, (such alias as  John Davies (BLOG 301 (2x), Michael Drayton s.BLOG 324), Thomas Heywood, (BLOG-330, BLOG 331) William Shakespeare a.o.), or anonymously, as absurd as it may sound at first glance.  

The anonymous author of „Newes from Graves-End“ (1603)
 (Shakespeare experts  - as orthodox Gary Taylor -  with no real  justification assume Thomas Dekker / Thomas Middleton as the authors
most likely was the poet genius Poet Genius Marlowe alias Shake-speare (not to be confused with Shakspere, the Stratford man)...

In the dedicatory Epistle to himself (!) --- the anonymous author calls himself allegorically  at the beginning
Nicholas Nemo, alias Nobody -

 and at the end devotes the epistle  " to  None but thy [him] selfe, Some-body".

This satiric wordplay ("Nobody") is tightly contextually connected to John Davies' epigrams  159, 160, 161 in the Scourge of folly (1611?)   

The assumption that Marlowe , the "real or true Shakespeare"  wrote under an unimaginable  multiplicity of pennames, pseudonyms or unonymously, is hard to digest!

In order to be true, it needs the additional assumption,

that Marlowe's literary capacity throughout his long life  must have been exceptionally high and  surpassed contemporary writers by far, beyond imagination ...

This inconceivable literary efficiency and  gigantic productivity becomes visible in some lines of the epistle in the Anonymous book "NEWES from Graves-end" (1603)

....how much happier had it bin for them , to have changed their copied & from sciences bin bound to good Occupations, considering that one London-occupier  (....) puts up more in a weeke, than  seven Bachilers of Art  (...)  do in a yeare.-
Hath not the Plague (incomparable
Nobody ) and therefore incomparable, bicause with an Aeneas-like glory , thou hast redeemed the golden-tree of Poesie even out of the hellish scorne, that this worlde(…) hopes to dam it with ) hath it not,  I say done all men knights service in working the downfall of our greatest                                                                                       & greediest beggers?  (....) 