5 Jan 2017

(494) Authorship absurdities: W.Shakespeare and B. Griffin authors of almost the same sonnet!

All poems of "The Passionate Pilgrime"  were written

 by a unique concealed poet-genius

Sonnet 3  in Fidessa,  was slightly modified in 1599 as Sonnet 11 in Shakespeares The Passionate Pilgrime,
A untraceable poet Bartholomew Griffin wrote a series of 62  sophisticated sonnets entitled Fidessa, more chaste than kinde, London, 1596. The dedication to William Essex is followed by an Epistle to the gentlemen of the Innes of Court, from which it can be inferred that the author himself had some relations to the Inns of court.

The third sonnet in Fidessa, beginning ‘Venus and yong Adonis sitting by her,’ was reproduced in 1599 as sonnet 11 in The Passionate Pilgrime, ( a collection  of 20 poems  by "W. Shakespeare",  first published 1599 by William Jaggard ).

Five of the 20  Shakespearean poems of the "Passionate Pilgrime" were later published again: Poem  1 as Shakespeares Sonnet 138, 
Poem 2 as Shakespeares Sonnet 144,
Poem 3 as a sonnet in Shakespeares "Love's Labours Lost", 4.3.58—71,
Poem 5 in Shakespeare's "Love's Labors Lost" 4.2.105—18,
Poem 16 in "Love's Labours Lost 4.3.99—118,  
Poem 8 in R. Barnfields "Poems in Diverse Humours" (1598).
Poem 11 in B.Griffins "Fidessa"  (1596) (s.illustration),
Poem 12 in Thomas Deloney's "The Garland of Good Will",
Poem 19 in Christopher Marlowe  "Live with me and be my love",
Poem 20 in R. Barnfield  "As it fell upon a day", First published in Poems in Divers Humors (1598).

-   In Poems 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18 no known author has been disclosed.

In a third edition of  "The Passionate Pilgrimme" (1612)   2 additional love epistles already published (1609) by Thomas Heywood were included..- None of the  writers (Griffin, Barnfield, Deloney, Marlowe, Heywood) was credited in The Passionate Pilgrim

 The Stratford Myth (or Taboo) prohibits the testing of plausible theories: 

All poems of "The Passionate Pilgrime"  were written by a unique concealed poet-genius  
alias Griffin, Barnfield, Heywood, Shakespeare, former  C.Marlowe....