6 Apr 2016

(409) Shakespeare's empty grave. Why the missing skull ?

Shakspere's skull missing (...in his Grave ...  )

Why the global media coverage did not touch  the century old Shakespeare authorship question (SAQ) a single time, possibly related to this result? 


One should realize that the more amazing thing would have been if the skull were found to be intact.


Archaeologists recently scanned for the first time (using  GPR,  Ground-Penetrating Radar)  the grave of  William Shakespeare at England's Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.- The findings were featured in a documentary "Secret History: Shakespeare's Tombon Britain's Channel 4 TV and had a great media coverage.-  They made a head-scratching discovery: 

Shakspere's skull missing
(also no other bones were identifiable(?), but astonishingly not mentioned). 

Time has not yet come for orthodox Stratfordians, mainly literary academics, to rethink about the life of the author of Shakespeare's works with the possibility of an entirely different paradigm  deliberately dismissed. 

Given the facts abouts the empty grave why has the global media coverage not touched the century old Shakespeare authorship question (SAQ) a single time? (read Blog 345 The SAQ: The most perverse , irrational academic Taboo ever...)