22 Jul 2016

(443) An endless and fruitless Shakespeare Authorship debate will last forever ...

An endless and  fruitless Shakespeare     
Authorship debate  will last forever ... 

 ......unless  the Marlowe-Shakespeare authorship thesis (a true historicall conspiracy !)  is no longer disposed at the landfill of conpiracy theories ....

The Stratford Dogma causes more problems than it solves.

 Its widely-held prevailing concept needs a paradigm shift, a reorientation involving the incorporation of new concepts into mainstream thoughts, seemingly contradictory or radically different from the traditional view.

The seemingly never-ending controversy of Shakespeare's authorship is resolvable. 
The questions posed in this video can  be answered without exception and without compulsion, if accepting a historically necessitated conspiracy:  

There was only one truly great poetic genius in his time, Christopher Marlowe, who in his 30th year (May 1593) was threatened by execution, following slanderous accusations against him by the English crown and church. 

A feigned death, staged in Deptford with the help of the Queen and her Senior adviser William Cecil, saw him banished for his own safety, but at the price of a permanent change of name and identity.

This thesis, followed by the continuance of his writing under multiple masking pseudonyms, including Shakespeare, is valid, not merely hypothetical. We reach it with a high degree of certainty. It should end the bizarre and historically unique authorship debate. 
The camouflaging pen-name Shakespeare was adopted in June 1593 and used on a single-page dedication for the poem "Venus and Adonis", ten days after Marlowe’s body was allegedly buried in St Nicholas churchyard on the edge of Greenwich and Deptford. 

We suggest that the name was used because the businessman William Shakspere of Stratford was on the spot in London and was paid to add extra pseudonymous ‘cover’ for Marlowe’s escape.  His evocative "masking" Name bought silence and a future gravesite to ensure the survival of the poet genius. -

The "covert situation" reminds one to current practices of  hidden "false flag" covert operations ("insider jobs" such as WTC-7).

There seems to exist a negative correlation between "Stratfordianism" and "specific Knowledge"!