22 Jun 2016

(439) US Web's #1 Blog on Christopher Marlowe peacefully passed away.-What a shame!

Not even a letter of condolence 

of the founder of the blog 

Carlo di Nota
Daryl Pinksen

In Febr./March 2015 I wrote 2 blogs (no.266)  (279)  entitled "US/Canadian -Antistratfordians (Marlowians) seem to have reached deadlock" . I was  considering the yearly contributions to -> “The Web #1 Blog on Christopher Marlowe” over the last 7 years which seemed to demonstrate  – to my  regret- that  the Blog was  heavily in  decline. Unfortunately my premonition has come true.  Only recently I realized, that the blog  was closed.-

No parting words, no explanations, no obituary. The blog must have been a chronically ill child from the beginning! What  may have been the actual cause ot the chronical disease? As a German "Marlowian" it makes me feel  sad.

Not even a letter of condolence or deeper reflection of the founder 

Why the necessity of Closing the blog (Carlo di Nota) ?
or of the "International Marlowe Society" Daryl Pinksen.
"Something is rotten in the state of...?"