1 Jun 2016

(431) Epilogue to the final last [5th.] Edition of “The True Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe” (Jan 2016)

A hefty slaty review of orthodox  Stratfordian Prof. Werner von Koppenfels 

in the „Frankfurter Allgemeine“(FAZ)...

Prof. (Emeritus) Werner von Koppenfels
After its first appearance Prof. Werner von Koppenfels, Emeritus, former Professor of English of the University of Munich, savaged mercilessly the German Book  "The real Shakespeare: Christopher Marlowe" in a review for the german newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine" FAZ on Nov 2011!  entitled:  So eine Maulwurfexistenz ist doch enorm anstrengend    ["Such a mole existence is nevertheless extremely demanding"].

The question remains whether the FAZ review caused the german  medias  afterwards to treat the book even more merciless by ignoring it completely ?

For the violence of the FAZ attack there may be some reasons:
1) either the author of the book was unable to recognize himselves as a "conspiracy theorist", as a "madman" or "paranoid", (as he was denounced elsewhere) or
2) our critic feels through the book on a sore point taken, what he's trying to cover up by that he puts it in the pillory, or
3) Koppenfels'  age no longer allows him to skip the hurdles of traditional, dogmatic long fixed perspectives. -
By nature, I am inclined to the third alternative. Not simply because  having never suffered before from delusions and avowedly never knitted in any conspiracy .... 

All the facts, arguments, reasoning and evidences on 700 pages were not of a primary interest for solidified biased, Prof.Koppenfels, 

Koppenfels alone was  interested in the secondary motives of a  "scientific outsider" who  dared to shake  the sacrosanct version of the Stratford Dogma.

What a shame,  it was just too much for a goth.