19 Oct 2015

(303) Epigrammes of "living" J.D. and translations of "dead" C.M. (Marlowe) in a book 1599! 2 different authors?

Why such a small booklet  needed 2 authors? The translated elegies by the "dead" Marlowe, the epigrams by the unidentifiable "living"  J.D.?


Who was J.D.?

CM Four  times identified



Experts tell us (incorrectly)  that John Davies' (Sir JD)  earliest anonymous writing is to be found in ->48 small Epigrammes published along with Marlowes translations of 10 of Ovids Elegies, ordered to be burnt by the decree of the Archbishop of Canterbury, june 1 1599. - (See faksimile 1599 .- -The 2nd Edition (1603) contained "All Ovid Elegies" , and Elegy 15 Book I (E15-I) translated twice, together with that of  B.I. = Ben Jonson?)

Why in this booklet only C.M. but not J.D can safely be identified by his name C.Marlowe-[s.Faksimile], printed on a subtitle and at the end of 3 of`the 10 elegies (s.Faksimile) ,

Why experts are sure that the initials of the author (J.D.) of the epigrammes belong  to Sir John Davies ( and not e.g. to  John Donne, John Dee, John Dickenson, John Dunbar or Jeremie Dyke  etc)?

Why a "living" author J.D. added to his 48 short epigrammes 10 selected translations of Ovids elegies of "dead" Marlowe?

Why only 4 years  later (1603)  the book had a reprint  with  the complete translation of all of Ovids elegies?

Why E15-I was printed twice,  translated also by a certain B.I. ( Ben Jonson?)?

Why such a small booklet with only 25 pages  needed 2 Authors?

Why two poems related to Marlowe's "Faustus" appear twice in JDs epigrammes?

Who is the self confident  author JD telling us in Epigramm 29  that [John] Heywood.".which did in Epigrams ecxell, is now put down, since my light muse arose..".?
Why the importance of  the epigrams by JD was graphically greatly reduced in relation to Marlowes translations in the 2nd edition?

Why the name of Ovid was omitted 1599 on the title page ?

Why JD printed his work at Middlebourgh (Netherland)?


Isn't it more plausible that the epigrammes by J.D. represent and were written by the same author C.M., "incognito" Christopher Marlowe,  J.D. being one of his new "Alias-" or "Pseudo"-nyms.- (such as Shake-speare) - The first epigram "Ad Musam 1" let us know that the epigrammes "taxeth" under a particular (later edition:"peculiar") name?