13 Oct 2015

(297) The Mystery of the authorship revealed during Shakespeare's lifetime by John Davies! Who was he?

Who was John Davies?

John Davies epigrams 159 and 160 (and 161) on "Shakespeare" are closely interlinked and mutually dependent. 

This fact has constantly been ignored, literally by all Shakespeare experts.  Why?                                                               _______________

(Isn't  it not too much of a coincidence, that at the same time 2 different  high profile poets with the same name John Davies (Sir J.D. / J.D.of Hereford) wrote  at the same time as Shakespeare?   (Continued at Blogs 298 , 299 a.o......)

Epigramms 159-161 from page 76/77 of John Davies "The Scourge of Folly" (1610) 

In order to approach the Shakespeare Authorship problem we are dependent on yet existing documents (contemporary literature, letters, handwritings, official or state documents in  various European countries and libraries, travel documents etc). No doubt: a full knowledge and interpretation of the vast amount of  contextual related contents of contemporary literature in England at Shakespere's days holds the key to resolving the authorship problem. 

The Epigram 159 in John Davies' "The Scourge of Folly" (1610) is quoted extensively in almost all Shakespeare biographies to prove his fame and publicity during his lifetime.- Strikingly, the subsquent epigrams 160 and 161 are never mentioned although tightly connected to each other.- (see Faksimile above!)

Why "No-body" was  "Shake-speare's" ["our" English Terentius]  most constant, although his most unknown friend

Why "No-Body" should be served with nothing ("noughts")? 

Why this procedure was  best for him? 

Isn't it more plausible and logic, that the poet himself was most unknown, anonymous, incognito
living, a "No-Body"[Marlowe], who - for safety reasons and because of a given promise - had to publish under  Pen-Names such as "Shake-speare", he borrowed from  "Some-body" [Shakspere -Stratford], a neere -deere friend?                                                                   ----------------                   


     Who was John Davies?   are there really two John Davies ?

(Isn't  it not too much of a coincidence, that at the same time 2 different  high profile poets with the same name John Davies (Sir J.D. and J.D.of Hereford) wrote  at the same time as Shakespeare? (Continued at Blogs 298 , 299)