10 Jul 2020

(583) Everyone is tired of Fake (Shakespeare) News

In 2018, I sent an open letter to SOF as a test balloon, so to speak, 
without expecting an answer to follow....
Open letter 2018 to SOF
Open letter to the president of SOF

I am a Marlowian – 
I’m asking for your assistance in new, concentrated efforts. While we have the facts about Marlowe being the most plausible author behind the alias Shakespeare, as we know from current times, facts are not enough! Facts can be ignored or simply dismissed if they present a threat to current belief. There is much money at stake and reputations are threatened when we challenge the traditional myth that the author was William Shakspere of Stratford-upon-Avon. The best evidence indicates that the real author was Christopher Marlowe . This claim impacts the validity of doctorates and biographies of so many Shakespearean “experts.”
Shakespeare plays are presented every day in every country in the world. Many plays, movies, symphonies, and operas are based on his writings. His writings impact our daily speech. Yet, the majority of the world doesn’t know his real biography. That by itself should lead to a renewal of interpretation of his works. There are many allusions that were topical to personalities of his time. To investigate these allusions would create a new Shakespeare Renaissance. People should be interested in the truth.
Yet, Marlowians are ignored by almost all of Academia, the press and the population at large. Nobody seems to care. Marlowians are treated like an irrelevant fringe cult! They are even more untouchable than Oxfordians Untouchable! Very few in academia will admit to even reading evidence about Marlowe:
• They ignored the seminal discovery by Leslie Hotson in 1925 or Calvin Hofmann 1955 etc etc-
• They ignore the 2007 Shakespeare Authorship Coalition’s “Declaration of Reasonable Doubt about the Identity of William Shakespeare,”which has been signed by over four thousand people now, including many Marlowians.
• They ignore Richard Roe’s 2010 book, The Shakespeare Guide to Italy, which demonstrates that the author traveled to Venice, Padua, Verona, Florence, and other places where the Shakespeare plays take place. We can deduce that Marlowe visited at least 8 times Italy ,( as early as 1574 as page boy for 10 months) but there is no evidence that Shakspere of Stratford ever left England.
• They ignore Samuel Blumenfelds and Daryl Pinksen biographies of Marlowe ( and several others) 2008, , in which (auto) biographical aspects of Marlowe are heavily represented.
And the list of Marlowian books goes on and on. All ignored!
Stratfordians claim that Shakespeare was a GENIUS who had an outstanding imagination and therefore the plays do not reflect his life.   Absurd!   Everyone’s work—in literature, painting, music, science—reflects one’s experience, education and travel.
Shakspeare of Stratford-upon-Avon is not known to have had ANY education, and his parents, wife and children were illiterate. His Will shows that he did not own any books at all, not even a family bible, or copies of Shakespeare’s plays or poems that had been printed at that time. Neither he nor his family ever claimed that he was a writer (there is no evidence that he ever even wrote a single etter!), never mind the author of some spectacular poems and plays. Many of the sources of the plays were available only in foreign languages—like Italian, French, Greek, and Latin. How could he read them? Marlowe, we know, was fluent in at least 8 languages and had access to these sources. Marlowe was praised by many of his contemporaries as the best writers of his time, but one whose “identity and name ” had to be concealed throughout his long life. ,” as stated in a book published in 2016 (5th edition) ! Was it an open secret? 
Remarkably, 7 plays (printed with his name only after his presumed death) have survived but many others have been printed also under a series pseudonyms (Such as Drayton, Wither, Breton, Barnfield, Basse and many more)

When anyone with an inquiring mind wishes to investigate the authorship question, they will turn to what the “experts” have to say. The “experts” are the professors of the leading universities, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Stanford, etc. Yet these “experts” refuse to discuss the matter. The famous Shakespearean actors, Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Mark Rylance, have been ignored and ridiculed in England by Academic professors for questioning the Shakespeare Authorship. An astrophysics professor at Stanford, Peter Sturrock, who wrote AKA Shakespeare: a Scientific Approach to the Authorship Question, has great difficulty in getting English professors to respond to his inquiries. One of his rare responses was, “You will never get me to believe that the works of Shakespeare were not written by the man from Stratford.” This is a Catch-22. 
It reminds one of the story that Galileo, having been the first to see the moons of Jupiter through his telescope, invited a math professor to take a look through the telescope; the professor declined because, he said, he knew there was nothing to see. “Experts” like these quash all inquiry and discussion, the opposite of what a University is supposed to foster.
A new documentary by Michael Rubbo , Much ado about something , is long out and discusses FACTS about Marlowe. Marlowians need contacts in the media that will interview them. We are initiating Podcasts on the SAQ.
This is what Marlowians need you to do:
1. Forward this to all your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone who you think might be interested in this dramatic cover-up.
2. . Ask your friends and family to join the Marlowe authorship thesis, and if possible, spread the strongest arguments.
3. If you know anyone in the media (TV, radio, cable, local paper, local access channel) contact them, send them a personal note and a copy of this email. Have them interview you. We will join you if possible, and if not, send you marketing material.
4. If you don’t know how to do it, have your kid or grandkid post this on all social media: Facebook, Instagram, and X. Have them create a hashtag such as #TheRealShakespeare or #400YearOldHoax.
5. Spread the word through your personal network: friends, civic clubs, community centers, etc. You’d be surprised how people that don’t know much about Shakespeare become riveted by this story.
6. Link the Marlowe website and youtube to your online posts.
7. Let us know if you can get the Mike Rubbo documentary screened anywhere.
 Share the Marlowe/Shakespeare video on you tube with your friends. They are suited in spreading the complex facts ! They are educational and fun.
Marlowians have been too nice and respectful, trying not to offend the Oxfordians . And the Strats continue to get away with their malarkey! It’s time for more voices to be heard!
                                                      GET THE WORD OUT!
Marlowian by far have the best cards.. It had to be Christopher Marlowe! — get used to it!

No more “fake news”! 
We need to educate the world about the complex truth of a real literary historical conspiracy 
looking  forward to your support

Bastian Conrad
Munich Bavaria