27 Sept 2018

(536) John Davies : A double falsehood ? [false identities and name - identical to Shak(e)speare?]

Consider that we learn that at Shakespeares times there existed 

Two high level contemporaneous poets who published with...

the same name "John Davies!", i
the same year "1602"  , in             
the same City in "London about    
                the same literary subject matter"  (the Soul) ,
 2 masterpieces of philosophical literature


at Shakespeares times there existed two high level contemporaneous poets who publieshed with    the same name "John Davies!", in  the same year "1602"  , in  the same City in "London about   the same literary subjectmatter"(the soul) ,  "   2 masterpieces of philosophical literature    "NOSCE TE IPSUM" and "MIRUM IN MODUM"
Consider that in the "Scourge of Follies" (Date of print not secured , >1610) t
the one John Davies wrote a dedication to the other! 

 How do you interprete this poem?

in the "Scourge of Follies" (Date of print not secured  >1610)  one John Davies wrote a dedication to the other! How do you interprete this poem?

Also note that from Essay 34 in John Davies "Wittes Pilgrimage" (1605) you get  (specific biograhical) ideas about his poignant life situation

from Essay 34 in John Davies "Wittes Pilgrimage"(1605) you get  specific biograhical ideas about his poignant life situation
Essai 34 in Wittes Pilgrimage (1605)
                                ("Marlowes life situation")



Doesn't this situation in 1605 fits better to someone else [e.g. Marlowe  who was alive but simultaneously dead] than to an unknown destiny of  a certain John Davies?

Doesn't "John Davies" thus represent a Double Falsehood" , identical to William Shakespeare?

11 Sept 2018

(535) The absolutely amazing "Hero and Leander Triple" in 1598!

No true Poets (named "George Chapman" and "Henry Petowe")  have existed.

The "Hero & Leander Triple" in 1598

Their names [similar to Shakespeare] were Alias names of the unversal genius Marlowe forced to distribute his biographical and poetical cosmos amongst 
a multiplicity of (pseudo) authors or author-names.

(For details reflect this video!)

(534) When and Why to abandon Name and Identity?

The true Shakespeare : Christopher Marlowe

Abandoning name and identity,

 as Marlowe has in all likelihood done, and writing under pseudonyms of identifiable persons does not occur as seldom, as is usually assumed, but for very different reasons.... 

...shown here using the example of russian Vladimir Vavilow
  and italian Guilio Caccini

Another example (not shown) could have been taken from Fritz Kreisler
 and Gaetano Pugnani.

Marlowe / Vavilow
