The Shakespeare Apocrypha:
a ghostly literary-historical Fake or Hoax!
The "Shakespeare Apocrypha" is a group of several plays and poems printed during Shakespeare's lifetime ....
2 examples of Plays by Shakespeare
- Believe it or not!-
.....with his name (Shakespeare) printed on the title ...but not accepted today as his works (...generally deemed to be the work of other uncertain writers.)

.....with his name (Shakespeare) printed on the title ...but not accepted today as his works (...generally deemed to be the work of other uncertain writers.)

Are we really to believe that a contemporary playwright with the printed name Shakespeare corresponded to a historical fake or conspiracy ?
Can anybody understand why this weird "Shakespeare [Apocrypha] Conspiracy theory" has been separated from the general "Shakespearean Authorship debate" ? if the autorship debate were unrelated!
For details click this Video!