14 Dec 2016

(491) William Shakspeare: 10 dishonest tricks to discredit Non Stratfordians

10 criteria (principles) how Stratfordians discredit Non-Stratfordians and their Arguments...

 ...that someone other than William Shakspere of Stratford wrote the works attributed to him.

This Youtube (published) 13-Dec.2016) was an attempt to put a digital english speaker (digital "Harry) under an ad-hoc picture-text creation using a text-to-speech Software.


1  The Spelling ( Distinction)

2  Number of Candidates

3  Logical fallacies (Circular reasoning)

4  Common Sense

5  Conspiracy Theorists

6  Plausibilities , Systems of Meaning

7  Inequation

8  Obligation to enter the Second Phase

9  Antistratfordian Trolls

10 Reality / Myth? 
