20 Jun 2019

(550) Autobiographical of the "true" Shakespeare (exemplified on "The Winters Tale")


No rational man can doubt, that in the vast cosmos of Shakespeare's plays compiled for the first time in the First Folio in 1623 there are 
hidden autobiographical contents and details of the "true" Shakespeare's personal life.

The reason, why virtually no clear autobiografical connections have been found, is related to the fact, that the "True" Dramatist of the First Folio plays is not identical to William Shakspere from Stratford, it was: Christopher Marlowe, the only true poet-genius of his time, hiding behind a multiplicity of pseudonyms such as Shakespeare...(...Barnfield, Chapman, Davies and others.

For Details click this Video!

Autobiographical aspects in Shakesperare's Plays can never be found, unless we are dealing with the life of the "real or true" poet genius and dramatist (C.Marlowe)
and not with the false W. Shaksper (from Stratford).