I am an old retired Professor for Neuroscience from Munich and wrote a german book (after 10 years of reading and studies) on the Marlowe/Shakespeare Authorship thesis . Unfortunately I couldn’t find an english Publisher, since I was regarded (up to now) as a conspiracy ideologist. At least, I lately fabricated a short english Summary of the book. (Video youtube)
With great interest I read
---->contribution on „banishment as a romance“ <-----Click!)
on the website „Before Shakespeare“ . I suppose it‘s a base of your upcoming PhD „Bodies of Law: Banishment, Marriage, and Sovereign Power in Shakespeare’s Plays“.
The reason of my letter is a question: What may be the reason, that in your essay on "Banishment in Shakespeares time" you totally neglegt (or deny?) the Marlowe / Shakespeare thesis, even though banishment, exile, disgrace , loss of identity etc. is a crucial element not only in Marlowe / Shakespeare‘s work but also in other poets or playwrights works ( best explainable as contemporary pseudonyms) such as [s.Video] --> Drayton(1), Griffin (2) Ford (3) Shake-speare(4) and many more
Is the Marlowe/Shakespeare authorship thesis (also to the younger genration) a total nonsense?
…so that it is advisable for you, not to answer a mentally confused one (as 99 % of all british intellectuals did.
With regards
Bastian Conrad
Bastian Conrad (Prof.emeritus)
Techn.University Munich