17 Nov 2016

(488) Shakespeare experts have left their brains at the cloakroam of the authorship "theatre of the Absurd!"

A.C. Swinborne: Marlowe as the "one and only" precursor ...of Shakespeare . -

Why not a word of homage had been offered by Shakespeare?

Excerpt  1  of A.C. Swinborne's Essay on Marlowe
Excerpts 2 of A.C. Swinborne's Essay on Marlowe

Algernon C.Swinborne
In his book "Shakespeare's Contemporaries"(1919)    the english Poet, playwright, novelist and critic   Algernon Charles Swinborne wrote an essay  (the last prose composition he completed before his death) on "Christopher  Marlowe in relation to Greene, Peele, and Lodge".

He highlighted not only the greatness of Marlowe "who began his career by a double and incomparable achievement: the Invention of English blank verse and the creation of English tragedy" but also the fact that Marlowe is the one and only precursor (?) of that veritable king of kings, lord of lords, among all writers and all thinkers of all time.[Shakespeare]

Swinborne's  strange remark at the end of his essay (s.Faksimile)  why Shakespeare didn't offer a word  of homage, why he didn't vouchsafe  a token of regard to Marlowe should be complemented with the question, why on earth he called the poet Marlowe (of the same age than Shakspere, born only 2 month apart)  the one and only precursor  [How would you define a precursor?] and why Shakspere started only to publish under his name in his thirtiest year of life after Marlowes death,  thus why Marlowe's and Shakspere's literary activities didn't overlap a single day of their life ?..-

Stratfordian Shakespeare experts who have no problems  accepting such fine absurdities seem to have left  their brains at the cloakroam of the "Authorship Theatre of the Absurd"!

Time table of William Shakspere (Stratford) and Christopher Marlowe (alias Shake-speare and other pennames)