12 Jun 2024

(663) Asking ChatGPT for the single most crucial obstacle against Christopher Marlowe being the true author of Shakespeare's



The single most crucial obstacle against Christopher Marlowe being the true author of Shakespeare's works is the timing of Marlowe's death. Historical records indicate that Marlowe died in 1593, whereas many of Shakespeare's plays were written and performed after this date.

 This discrepancy poses a significant challenge to the Marlovian theory, which argues that Marlowe faked his death and continued to write under Shakespeare's name. However, the lack of concrete evidence to support the idea of Marlowe's survival and secret authorship undermines this theory, making the timing of his death the most significant obstacle.

How to judge the Wisdome of ChatGPT?

(662)Asking ChatGPT for the single most crucial Obstacle against Edward de Vere (17th Earl of Oxford) as true Shakespeare



The single  most crucial obstacle against the theory that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, was the true author of Shakespeare's works is the timeline of his death. Edward de Vere died in 1604, while several of Shakespeare's plays were written and published after this date. Notable examples include "Macbeth," "The Tempest," and "The Winter's Tale," all of which are generally agreed upon by scholars to have been written after 1604.

This discrepancy in dates is a significant hurdle for proponents of the Oxfordian theory because it suggests that de Vere could not have authored these later works. This timeline issue challenges the plausibility of Edward de Vere being the true author, as it implies that he would have had to write these plays posthumously, which is not feasible

How to judge the Wisdom of ChatGPT?

1 Jun 2024

(661) One of the greatest CONSPIRACIES in literary history : The Marlowe / Shakespeare Authorship

   The greatest CONSPIRACY  in literary history  :   

 The Marlowe/  Shakespeare Authorship 

We have reached the number of
100  sophisticated  YouTube Video Contributions

on one of the greatest  
Literary C O NS P I R A C I E S  :

 the Marlowe / Shakespeare Authorship

 LINK:  all Videos clickable, filterable!)  
 (Start with:   "most popular"/beliebt!)

Bastian Conrad (Prof.Emeritus)
81929 München
