From Alexander Waugh's last Youtube VIDEO
I learned that
a) "....Hermeticisms survived as the philosophical and theological Epicenter
of Freemasonry.- ..." in England
b) "....that one of the Key messages of Hermes (Trismegistos) is that he writes: "The greatest evil
in mankind is then a guide to take you by the hand and
lead you to the portals of knowledge that(?) te the light cleansed of all darkness..."
c) " who better to that than William Shakespeare who stands in Leicester Square carved
in marble pointing to his own words : ä0p THERE IS NO DARKNESS BUT IGNORANCE"
Shakespeare carved in Marble at Leicester Square (London)
with Marlowe's famous phrase
e) NOTE: it is more appropriate to associate this Marble" phrase to Marlowe's
famous sentence in
"The Jew of Malta" :
I count religion but a childish toy, and hold there is no sin [darkness] but ignorance.
or M arlowe’d ‚Doktor Faustus‘. and the Ignorance in knowledge
One must take this as another logical and plausible evidence that Marlowe
a) is identical with Shakespeare (his pseudonym)
b) that he is a predecessor of the Freemasons?
click VIDEO