14 Nov 2020

(599 ) Marlowe and the famous bard are one and the same person.

 Award winning Journalist, Author and Lecturer

Martin S i e f f

introduces a series of often overlooked questions, paradoxes and facts that indicate

a secret world of political intelligence that point towards the possibility that

Christopher Marlowe and the famous Bard

are one and the same person.

5 Nov 2020

(598) The true author of the play "King Lear" was Christopher Marlowe.....

 The 4 King LEIR / LEAR Editions between 1594 and 1623 must have sprung from 
a singular brain 

......writing under one of his many Pseudonyms:
   such as Shake-speare

Observations and reflections of Shakespeare's famous Tragedy of "King Lear" make it seem plausible  and logical... 

1)... that the 4 King L E I R / L E A R editions between 1594 and 1623 must have sprung from a single brain 

2)... that this 'single' brain cannot have been identical with that of William Shakspere from Stratford

3)... that it belonged to the poet and dramatist-genius Christopher Marlowe, who tried to link 
his complex, tragic life situation in 1605/06 with the ancient historic King Lear as  well as with his loss of identity (Edgar / Kent), his exile, the death of his parents, a general depressive melancholy and senselessness...