Very impressive castles in the air !

Alexander Waugh is a leading advocate of the Oxfordian theory, the belief that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford wrote the works of William Shakespeare.
He is a life member of the De Vere Society, [4] and serves as the Honorary President of the Shakespeare Authorship Coalition.[5]
For quite some time he has been running a YouTube channel where he claims to have found surreptitious allusions embedded in 16th- and 17th-century works revealing that the name "William Shakespeare" was a pseudonym
("I think, this is correct!) , but used by Edward de Vere to write the Shakespeare oeuvre.("I think this is incorrect!"!)
Unfortunately he does not allow comments on his Youtube channel since he doesn't intend ( as he wrote) to spend the rest of his life replying and arguing with impudent trolls. Difficult to understand. It wouldn't be difficult to erase the trolls (within seconds) and keep the reasonable letters and arguments. That's managable! Perhaps there are other reasons: all his articles ask for contradiction. Lately he made again an interesting contribution about the hidden secrets in Francis Meres "Palladis Tamia"1598) a key witness for the Shakespeare authorship debate.
Definition of Chimera (1621) by the "true" Shake-speare alias Josuah Sylvester |
Is Waugh even remotely sure who Francis Meres really was. I wonder what kind of idea he has of how the brain works.-
Does he really believe that a single dubious but congenial
Francis M. put such an obscure highly complex inner construction (a fantasic chimera) on paper whose strange logic 400 years later a single similar congenial Alexander W. is (accidentally?) able to decipher?
Does he really
believe that Meres brain had a mechanism or a deep need to conceal an unidentifiable truth in
such a weird way?
I assume that "Alexander Waugh" would be able to convince us , that it is not accidental that in his own 15 letter name unrecognized hidden meanings are concealed (to name a few - to be found in any anagram generator )
Lately I reflected on Francis Meres (Blog 505).-
A youtube contribution about
Drayton. Argument
14 ( at 1h 03 min 20 sec) deals with Francis Meres ! Perhaps it is of some
interest for some curious Non-Stratfordian!
Alexander Waughs recent Youtube Contribution
"Francis Meres knew..."